
Women with Wings

April 19, 2022Women with Wings – Ruth Payne, former Ferry Building gallery director.

We hope you’ll come and join our Zoom presentation by Ruth Payne.will introduce us to the Women With Wings travel program, emphasizing Bali, Santa Fe, and Mexico.

To register for the Zoom meeting email [email protected].

An intrepid world traveler, Ruth likes nothing better than introducing people to the art, culture, cuisine, and history of her favorite destinations. Since driving a ’64 Saab from Amsterdam to Kathmandu in 1971, Ruth’s passion for unique cultural discoveries has taken her to Bhutan, Tibet, Afghanistan, Iran, India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, China, Japan, Korea, Europe, Morocco, Mexico, Cuba,  and South America. Ruth has led art and architecture tours to Italy, Bali, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Mexico, and Santa Fe. With a wealth of knowledge from a 37 year career in the visual arts, and her engaging, caring, and organized manner Ruth ensures her tour participants a unique, enriching, and exceptional travel experience. Ruth leads tours through Women With Wings Travel.

To the Ends of the Earth with Ted Scambos

Dr. Ted Scambos will be making his second talk to CFUW, on Tuesday, 22 February, at 7 pm on Zoom, about his research and adventures in Antarctica.  Dr. Scambos is associated with the University of Colorado in Boulder, and he travels every other year to Antarctica to further his research and measurements of the continent’s ice sheet and glaciers.

This year, Dr. Scambos will present “To The Ends of the Earth:  Field Work at the Edge of Antarctica’s Ice Sheet.  He will also address ice in a warming world and discuss how changes in Antarctica and Greenland will affect our coasts. 

Dr.Scambos will return to Colorado at the end of January after 3 months away in quarantine and on the southernmost continent. He will continue to thaw at his home near Boulder and look forward to warmer adventures.

To register for the Zoom meeting email [email protected].

Empowerment: Education of Girls and Women Going Forward – 21 January, 2022


UN International Day of Education, 24 January, 2022

In recognition of this important date, the Canadian Federation of University Women: St. Catharines and West Vancouver Clubs invite GWI members from around the world to a conversation about the impact of the pandemic on the education of girls and women.

This conversation began a dialogue that continued during 3 Focus Groups hosted for UNESCO, by GWI, on January 24. The discussions explored current problems facing girls’ education and identified possible solutions.

Visit the Octopus’s Garden

Join our Zoom presentation of Julie Goettsch’s visits to the “Octopus’s Garden in Hawaii”!

Julie lives on the Big Island of Hawaii. Growing up near the ocean, in Orange County, California, the first island she fell in love with was Catalina, where at the age of six, she learned to snorkel off her dad’s boat. She cannot remember a time when she could not swim, and has never known any fear of the ocean. After 25 years working in the public schools, Julie Goettsch fell into a second career in management at IBM Global Services in Boulder, Colorado. For the next 15 years, she continued exploring the world, discovering more tropical islands in the Caribbean, the South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. One day, while diving in Tahiti, she and her fellow divers were visited by a Humpback Whale and her calf. She has had a camera in her hand ever since during most of her 3,000 dives!

To register for the Zoom meeting email [email protected].

Day of Remembrance

A Walk to Remember to honour the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was held in North Vancouver on December 6. The poster follows. Members of our joint club Issues and Action interest group will be attending and would love to have you join them.

Rally of Solidarity with Afghan Women

Our Rally of Solidarity with the Afghan women and Girls
took place on November 7 at 2 pm on the North Plaza of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

CFUW WV and CFUW NV partnered with the Vancouver branch of Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan. Fifty of our members attended the rally. Margaret Harrington, CFUW NV member and convenor of our Issues and Action interest group welcomed people and spoke of why CFUW was standing in solidarity. Lauryn Oates, Executive Director of CW4Wafghan, spoke with passion about the loss of educational opportunities for secondary school girls under the return of the Taliban. That is compounded of course by the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in Afghanistan with the Taliban’s seizure of power.

That evening we were in a short news clip with voiceover on Global TV news.

CFUW Ottawa has for years had an Interest group called University Women Helping Afghan Women. They recently had a webinar with CFUW members from across Canada and that ‘”special meeting’ of members and friends from across the country revealed a great willingness on the part of the participants to work to raise awareness of the plight of the Afghan people, especially women, girls and their families, and to do what we could to help them.”