International Peace Day – 2024

An assembly of CFUW members, friends, and supporters of Peace will gather on Parliament Hill with a display of hundreds of colorful panels calling for Peace in our troubled world. Panels were crafted by individuals in all provinces of Canada and will be presented as Pieces4Peace.

Women and their families are deeply affected by conflict, but their voices are too often lost in the noise of combat. Panels represent the silent voices of women from regions across Canada who want to be heard at the negotiating table. Their firm belief is that fighting is cruelly destructive and damaging to all sides. On the other hand, calm negotiation permits constructive possibilities for resolution while minimizing harm. We Stand for Peace.

No special funds were used to create the panels or organize the assembly. This is a personal plea from women and their families to recognize the power of quietness and calm to move forward and resolve the distress of conflict. More details about this project are available on this website

Reflections of a Judicial Dinosaur by Judge Randall Wong

Mr Justice Randall Wong
Retired BC Supreme Court Judge

Monday, May 13, 2024
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Kiwanis Garden – Great Hall
975 – 21st St, West Vancouver

(Parking at WV Recreation Centre, entrance off Gordon Ave)

Everyone welcome to this free event

The Honourable Justice Randall (Bud) Wong is a pioneer in Canadian law. He served as the first Chinese Canadian provincial Crown Counsel, a BC Provincial Court judge, and was the first Chinese Canadian federally appointed judge to the British Columbia County Court. Bud’s talk begins with his early third-generation Chinese-Canadian Family roots in Vancouver. He will describe his experiences as a young lawyer during the 1960s and 70s. He will also tell courthouse stories about BC lawyers and judges, especially the emergence of feminist women in law. Finally, he will reveal his hope and predictions about the future of the legal profession.

Youth Climate Action Forum – Apr 15

Sponsored by CFUW WV in recognition of Earth Day 2024, this is your Invitation to attend our Youth Climate Action Forum taking place on Monday April 15, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00pm at the Kiwanis Great Hall, 975 21st Street West Vancouver.

You will hear from a panel of local passionate young people about important issues in our world today. They will share why taking action is necessary, what the future might look like and how we all can be involved in the solutions.

Our Panelists:  

  • Ulwiana Mehta-Malhotra,
  • Lia Che and Jin Chen,
  • Eva Grdina
  • Isabel Rodriguez Rojas,

are students at Mulgrave School and the University of British Columbia and will cover topics such as:

Fast Fashion – a detrimental footprint but with positive industry innovation, Food Security and Waste, Environmental Change and its impact on wildlife species and Dietary Choices and the Health of the Planet

Our Panel Moderator is Glenys Galloway, President of the Canadian Federation of University Women – West Vancouver Chapter.

This is a free Community Event to hear, recognize and support the interests of our Youth in Climate Change. Please contact [email protected] if you require further information.

Please join us. Everyone is welcome.

Old Growth Urban Forests – Feb 20

Old Growth Urban Forests
Daphne Hales
Lighthouse Park
Preservation Society

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Zoom login email: [email protected]

Daphne Hales is a Founding Member and Director of Lighthouse Park Preservation Society. She will speak about the establishment of the volunteer-run charitable society to preserve the environment of the park’s forest and describe highlights of its work.

Impact of AI – Nov 20 2023

Joseph Fall, B.Sc, MRM
Capilano University

Computational science defines the thread of Joseph Fall’s career. Fall’s primary research interests lie in ways to improve teaching and learning. He will provide a brief history of AI technologies discussing what it means for an algorithm to “learn” and anticipated uses of AI in our daily lives.

Monday, November 20, 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Zoom login email: [email protected]

Guests welcome

Serving vulnerable North Shore Youth

Monday, Oct 16, 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

on Zoom

Lynn Green
Director, Hollyburn Community Services Society,
and Education Consultant

Lynn Green is Director at Large and Governance Committee Chair at Hollyburn Community Services Society. She has been a teacher and counsellor in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario and BC. Prior to serving as President and CEO of the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, Lynn was an Associate Superintendent with the Vancouver Board of Education.

The presentation will outline Hollyburn’s efforts to support youth, seniors, and families. Lynn will also provide a brief overview of the Take a Hike Foundation program which partners with B.C. school districts to offer a unique educational program to youth. Recently it opened a class at Inglewood Secondary School.

In addition, Lynn will outline Hollyburn’s persistence in delivering a full housing continuum that ranges from providing  shelter to permanent housing, working with seniors who are at risk or who are experiencing homelessness, and supporting those survivors of violence.

For login info email: [email protected]

Inside West Vancouver – Sept 18, 2023

7:00 pm – 9:00pm
at the Great Hall in the Kiwanis’ Garden Village,
975-21st St, West Vancouver

Rod Day will regale us with stories about the people, planning and politics that created the West Vancouver we know today.

Rod Day has lived in the same house with his family on Sinclair Street for 59 years. He is professor emeritus in history at Simon Fraser University and has a B.A. from Stanford University and an M.A.-Ph.D. from Harvard University. He served as municipal councillor in West Vancouver from 1987 to 1996 and 2003 to 2008 and for over 30 years on various advisory boards and commissions, mainly in planning, design and parks.
A year ago he published a book Inside West Vancouver, People, Politics and Planning since 1912 based on his years of service to West Van and on his skills as an historian and researcher.

‘Un-Trashy’ Talk – May 15 2023

Time: 6:30pm – 9:00 pm
Zoom login email: [email protected]

Tara McKenna, a Social Influencer and Blogger will help us learn to reduce waste, and find inspiration to live with less while saving money and eating healthier. Creator of The Zero Waste Collective and the author of Don’t be Trashy: A Practical Guide to Living With Less Waste and More Joy.

Tara has been interviewed extensively on these topics by radio and television including CBC NewsNetwork, The Social and Telus Talks. Look for her interviews on YouTube. Although always environmentally conscious, Tara’s travels were the biggest eye-opener to our global trash problem. From snorkelling with trash in Bali, Indonesia, to picking up litter on trails in Southern Ontario, Canada, it became obvious that waste is a worldwide issue.

Fracking the Peace – Apr 17 2023

Fracking for gas is BC’s major climate problem. Extraction poisons air, land and water, but BC plans to double the number of wells and pipelines for export to Alberta and the US. North Americans are already the worst emitters of carbon per person in the world and fail to abide by commitments to reduce it.

Kiki Wood, Senior Oil and Gas Campaigner, Stand.Earth

Monday, April 17, 2023
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Zoom Meeting

Zoom: for login email [email protected]

Guests welcome