Dr. Ted Scambos will be making his second talk to CFUW, on Tuesday, 22 February, at 7 pm on Zoom, about his research and adventures in Antarctica. Dr. Scambos is associated with the University of Colorado in Boulder, and he travels every other year to Antarctica to further his research and measurements of the continent’s ice sheet and glaciers.

This year, Dr. Scambos will present “To The Ends of the Earth: Field Work at the Edge of Antarctica’s Ice Sheet. He will also address ice in a warming world and discuss how changes in Antarctica and Greenland will affect our coasts.

Dr.Scambos will return to Colorado at the end of January after 3 months away in quarantine and on the southernmost continent. He will continue to thaw at his home near Boulder and look forward to warmer adventures.
To register for the Zoom meeting email [email protected].