Our Rally of Solidarity with the Afghan women and Girls
took place on November 7 at 2 pm on the North Plaza of the Vancouver Art Gallery.
CFUW WV and CFUW NV partnered with the Vancouver branch of Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan. Fifty of our members attended the rally. Margaret Harrington, CFUW NV member and convenor of our Issues and Action interest group welcomed people and spoke of why CFUW was standing in solidarity. Lauryn Oates, Executive Director of CW4Wafghan, spoke with passion about the loss of educational opportunities for secondary school girls under the return of the Taliban. That is compounded of course by the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in Afghanistan with the Taliban’s seizure of power.

CFUW Ottawa has for years had an Interest group called University Women Helping Afghan Women. They recently had a webinar with CFUW members from across Canada and that ‘”special meeting’ of members and friends from across the country revealed a great willingness on the part of the participants to work to raise awareness of the plight of the Afghan people, especially women, girls and their families, and to do what we could to help them.”