
Founded in 1956, CFUW West Vancouver works to improve the status of women and to promote human rights, public education and social justice. Every year, We fund awards to women who pursue post-secondary studies. We provide life-long learning opportunities and fellowship to its members through lectures, book clubs and issues groups. CFUW West Vancouver participates in community outreach to prevent violence, reduce child poverty, promote early learning and child care.

CFUW West Vancouver welcomes all women who support the purposes, mission and values of CFUW.


Encourage an interest and participation in cultural, social and political fields; and provide opportunities for action.

Foster high standards of public education; to encourage study and research; and award scholarships and bursaries.

Encourage women to serve the community in local, national and international fields; and improve the economic, legal and professional status of Canadian women.

Stimulate members in the work of women through participation in the activities of the CFUW and GWI.



CFUW works to improve the status of women and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace. Every year, CFUW and its Clubs award about $1 million to women to help them pursue post-secondary studies. CFUW also provides funding for library and creative arts awards. Founded in 1919, CFUW is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with over 90 CFUW Clubs, located in every province across Canada.

The organization holds special consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Education Committee of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW regularly sends a delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. CFUW is the largest affiliate of Graduate Women International which represents women worldwide.

With more than 95 clubs and 7,500 members across Canada, CFUW provides regular opportunities to socialize and have fun, engage in education and lifelong learning activities, and connect with like-minded individuals to take action that improves the lives of women and girls. We welcome any woman who supports the purposes, mission and values of CFUW!  Join us! 

Read Our Story: the Beginning of CFUW

CFUW BC Council

BC Council  of CFUW is a voluntary, self-funded, non-profit organization with 21 clubs across the province, which is affiliated with the  national CFUW and Graduate Women International (GWI).

BC Council promotes, mobilizes and engages in activities that improve the lives and status of women and girls across BC and beyond. The mandate is to promote education and lifelong learning, to encourage the participation of members in their communities and to enhance the status of women and girls.  Active since 1988, BC Council engages and connects CFUW’s BC club members with provincial, national and international activities that promote gender equality.  The BC Council’s President and three CFUW Regional Directors represent and link BC with CFUW’s National Board of Directors.  

Graduate Women International (GWI)

GWI advocates for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to education and training. Educating girls and women saves lives, improves the quality of life for families and communities and bolsters national economies.

GWI’s vision is 100% of girls and women in the world achieving education beyond primary school.

GWI 35th Triennial General Assembly and Conference to be held in Lusaka, Zambia, from 11-13 September 2025. This milestone event marks GWI’S 106-year commitment to advancing women and girls worldwide through education. Registration for this event will open soon and for further information read the press release HERE.