Interest Groups

CFUW West Vancouver Interest Groups provide opportunities for members to meet, pursue common interests and build community and fellowship.

Climate Change

We welcome new members to our group.  The group meets monthly to discuss the latest findings. In April the group will host the speaker for the general club meeting to celebrate Earth Day. Every month we will be posting meeting invitations and discussions, as well as a TIP for climate activities around town for interested parties.

Community Issues

Each member chooses a community issue of personal interest to present at one monthly meeting. We can visit a location together or bring in a speaker or follow up by presenting this issue to our local city councillor. New members are welcome!!

Meeting time is the 3rd Friday of every month at 10am at members homes. The group is a joint group with CFUW North Vancouver.

Creative Memoir Writing

This joint interest group of CFUW West Vancouver and CFUW North Vancouver meets all year long on the 1st Tuesday morning of the month. We support one another in the personal story telling journeys of our lives by sharing stories and learnings.  New members are welcome with the caveat that as many stories can be quite personal privacy and respect are essential: what is read in the room, stays in the room unless the member chooses to publish on our website.

Dames Who Dine

Usually 7 pm on a Wednesday evening near the end of the month. Members dine at a variety of restaurants on the North Shore, each paying their own bill. A small collection will be taken to fund local charities that support women.

International Studies Group

The International Studies is a joint West Van and North Van group.  Discussions cover a wide range of current world topics including politics, social issues, economic problems and development, and education. There are three in-person meetings per year on the third Tuesday of November, March and June at the homes of rotating members from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.   Sharing of articles, books, public lectures and group discussions occur between the meetings. New members are welcome.


Ad Hoc activities include day outings to places such as Fort Langley National Historic Site, Vancouver Art Gallery special exhibits, UBC Japanese Nitobe Gardens, Audain Gallery at Whistler.

Morning Books

The book club meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 9:30 a.m in the meeting room of a member’s condo. Discussion around author, personal views of book read and reviews.  The June meeting is a pot-luck lunch where next year’s reading list of fiction and non-fiction books are selected.

Technology/Web Group

Members meet to explore issues with computers, the web and other electronic technology. Discussion topics include computers, the Internet, various new digital hardware, and our website.
Meetings are at 7:00 PM the fourth Wednesday of every other month.


Lively discussions are anticipated by the mystery group members as they share their ‘whodunnit’ interests in authors, plots, characters, settings, trends in current literature . . . and much more.
Meetings are at 7:00 PM on the first Wednesday in each month from September through June, at a member’s home.

4 Books

A delightful group of 10-12 members who read an eclectic selection of 10 books per year.  We do not have a designated presenter, each member voices her opinion on book’s content, level of interest, author, writing style, use of language, background info, etc. – lively discussion follows.  Book selections for the following year are made in June. New members welcome. The group meets 2nd Wed of Sep thru June; 12:30 pm. Meeting via Zoom with “no host” book reviews.

Interest and Study Groups are open to all paid up club members.