
CFUW West Vancouver meets September to May
on the 3rd Monday of the month
Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Kiwanis’ Great Hall, 975 – 21 St, West Vancouver

Prospective members and guests always welcome.

Program for 2024-25

As our Program Series progresses throughout the year we will share more information about our speakers, their backgrounds and their topics. Please pencil these activities and speakers into your calendar, you will not want to miss any of these opportunities. Invite your friends and family too, we’re sure that there is much that they would enjoy.

Monday, September 16, 2024
Have Your Cake . . . and Have Your Say

A creative and interesting open discussion to find out what is important to each of us and for our CFUW West Vancouver Club (with a cuppa tea and a piece of cake of course).

Monday October 21, 2024
Jamshed Colah, Senior Director of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and friend

A behind the scenes approach to the upcoming programs and how the VSO reaches new audiences. We’ll also hear some of the background of the VSO – why, when and how it all started

Monday November 18, 2024
Valerie Jerome, author of RACES: The Trials and Triumphs of Canada’s Fastest Family

Valerie is an Olympian in her own right and sister of Harry Jerome, a bronze medalist at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. Valerie is an educator and political activist raised in North Vancouver who will speak about some of those childhood experiences and their influence on her life.

Monday December 9, 2024
– Christmas Time Social

A time of fun, games and music creatively arranged by our Social Committee to not only help us to celebrate the Season but to take the opportunity to share with those less fortunate and to raise funds for a worthy Community Organization.

Monday January 20, 2025
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority – ECHO Program

Have you ever had the unique experience of observing southern resident killer whales in our coastal waters and then wondered what is being done to protect them? Join us to hear from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s ECHO ((Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation) Program Manager Melanie Knight who will share the origins, intent, and successes of this program which began in 2014.

Today the program coordinates one of the world’s largest and most successful voluntary efforts to reduce the impacts of underwater noise on at-risk whales –– in close collaboration with advisors from across government, the marine transportation industry, Indigenous communities, and environmental groups. Join us to learn more about this important program.

TUESDAY February 18, 2025
Building homes, hope and opportunities for a better future

Persis Ahrestani, CPA, CGA, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Habitat for Humanity, will share the role that Habitat for Humanity plays in building stronger, more inclusive communities. Leading Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver has been both challenging and rewarding, and she is inspired daily by the resilience of the people she works with and the families they serve.

Business in Vancouver recognized Peersis Ahrestani as one of Vancouver’s top Forty Under 40,

To those who support Habitat:  Persis thanks you for your unwavering belief in their mission. Together, we are building homes, hope, and opportunities for a better future.

Discussion on Current Issues

We plan to continue our discussion of issues that are important to you, either coming from our September conversations or currently happening in the Community around us. It will be another opportunity for important dialogue in the context of West Vancouver.

Monday March 17, 2025
Elspeth Bradbury – The Living Garden: More Than a Pretty Place

We will have the pleasure of hearing from a well known member of the West Vancouver landscape design community Elspeth Bradbury. Elspeth, who is also an author, has written a book entitled West Vancouver: A View Through the Trees as well as books of poetry. In addition, she has a passion for helping others to think differently as they tend their own gardens that have been influenced by climate change.  She will help us find better solutions.

Monday March 31, 2025 – Special Meeting
– CFUW Proposed Resolutions

An extra meeting to consider our input to potential proposed policy issues that are coming up from CFUW Clubs across the country. To assist us, a small treat will be provided.

TUESDAY April 22, 2025 – Earth Day Event
Michelle Sheardown – Sharing Climate Solutions for Hope and Action

In recognition of Earth Day, our annual CFUW West Vancouver Event will be held on April 22, 2025, and is being arranged by our Climate Change Interest Group. This year our speaker will be one of our own CFUW members, Michelle Sheardown who is also a Director of RegenerateBC.

Monday May 12, 2025 – AGM Keynote Speaker
Queenie Choo, CEO of S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

For the culmination of our CFUW West Vancouver Year – our AGM, we are pleased to have Queenie Choo, CEO of S.U.C.C.E.S.S., share how her organization positively supports newcomers to our communities and how we could add our own contributions to make a difference.

For prior programs: click